Monday, December 10, 2012

30 Days of Thankful - Day 30

Day 30 - For Eleanor and Adelaide, our little miracle twins

After I went into labor only minutes after hitting the 27th week of pregnancy, Donny and I raced to the hospital.  Things progressed rapidly and after 'talking' to the doctors for only 20 short minutes, I was raced down the hall for an emergency c-section.  The physicians had just confirmed that the girls were still breech and Adelaide's sac had ruptured; it was nothing short of scary.  In the operating room, the doctors tried to give me an epidural.  However, after only two additional contractions, my pessary had been shot out (used to possibly prevent premature labor - ha!) and worse, Eleanor's foot had popped out.  The plan immediately switched; I received propephol and was intubated.  "Come on, Hilary.  Just take some deep breaths."  I woke up twenty minutes later.  I had just given birth to two breech 2lb 4oz twin girls.  What just happened!!!  Everything progressed so quickly that Donny wasn't even present; he was still waiting outside the operating room door for the ok to come in.  I'm told I saw the girls before they were whisked away to the NICU,  but I definitely have no recollection of this happening.  Donny definitely remembers saying hi to them though and snapped a few quick pictures while I rested.

It was a tough first couple of weeks, as Donny and I adjusted to the roller coaster of the NICU.  We were told we would get used to the girls' "spells," which is when they 'forgot to breathe' and needed a reminder.  I can assure you that watching your daughters stop breathing, and hear the monitors beep, and watch their heart rate tank is a terrifying experience, and no, you never fully get used to it.  Fortunately, the girls are fighters and BWH is awsome, so after two months, Adelaide and Eleanor graduated to the intermediate NICU.  One month later we were celebrating their arrival home and their due date.  

Although it is hard to believe, three more months have passed and our little peanuts are much, MUCH larger; 4.5 times larger to be exact.  While they seemed so incredibly helpless when we first met them, they don't hesitate to speak up now.  It's possible we're giving them too much credit but it certainly seems like they are developing very spirited personalities.  

It really is difficult to adequately express how grateful I am to have these two healthy and happy babies in our home.  We feel so blessed. 

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