Monday, January 24, 2011

$225 for every mile so far!

Running 26.2 miles for a non-runner can be daunting or in my case, down right scary. However, there will be no shortage of inspiration come Marathon Monday, thanks to all of you.

The collective generosity of friends and family has already helped raise almost 40% of my total goal and there are almost 3 whole months remaining! As if this incredible demonstration of support hasn't been moving enough, I have also been flooded with touching stories of true cancer heroes. There have been accounts of young cancer victims who created not-for-profits before passing and whole families that have struggled through treatment but are still persevering.

I spent the majority of my runs this weekend reflecting on many of these stories and all of the names of loved ones that have been shared with me. Undoubtedly, they motivated me through the tougher parts of my runs and have strengthened my commitment to this already important cause. I very much welcome your stories and of course, do not hesitate to send more names of loved ones who you'd like to honor. Remember, all of the names of your friends and family will be incorporated into my Marathon Monday outfit.    

I would like to send out a special thank you to TJ, Aunt Karen, Veronica & Jeff, Bridget, and Cathy for their generous donations! THANKS!

Another example of how your donations make a difference:

New Understanding of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer claims more lives than any other cancer, and is extremely difficult to treat.  The Barr Program provided the initial funding in 2002 to Dr. Matthew Meyerson, who discovered genetic abnormalities in certain lung cancer tumors.  This discovery defined the patients who benefit from two drugs, Iressa and Tarceva, which have proven effective in treating the 10% to 20% of lung cancer patients whose tumors contain the specific mutations that were discovered from this Barr research.  Today, these drugs are being used successfully with lung cancer patients across the world whose cancer were previously untreatable.

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